31.5.2018 ab 9:30, Auenbruggerplatz 2a, 8036 Graz, Austria
More information at the congress webpage at https://www.medunigraz.at/kongresse/international-student-congress/
Aus dem Inhalt
In this workshop we will concentrate on clinical decision making in general medicine / general paediatrics to cover common illnesses you will most likely get across in everyday life in your practice or in a paediatric admission unit. I will present „every-day paediatric troubles“ based on pictures in different age groups and try to generate with your help and experience a quick and adequate diagnoses, differential diagnoses, treatment options and certainly discuss clinical alerts in the different age groups. I feel its most important to remember pictures to insure adequate and rapid diagnoses and prevent our youngest patients from over investigation, potentially harmful testing and treatments.
You don’t need to worry about taking notes – an online script will be available for you to take home. This workshop neither intends to cover all paediatric illnesses (especially not rare disease) in a common structured way like a textbook, nor paediatric emergency training, intensive, neonatal or end of life care – as this is very often covered elsewhere.